shomer shabat

Çarşamba, Ağustos 12, 2015



Aklımdan çok ağır başlıklar geçti.
Kimseyi kırmak istemedim ve onun için mesela "oğullarınızı kime kurban olarak yolluyorsunuz?" veya "Harediler ve uber hiloniler askerden kaçmakta haklılar" gibi başlık yerine "başlık atmadan" Tzaha"l'ın son kararı hakkında Caroline Glick'in yazısını kendi düşüncelerimi dizginlemek amacı ile paylaşıyorum.

(Yazının İngilizce Facebook tercümesi aşağıda.)

Kısaca Tzaha"l'in Yehuda ve Şomron'da askerlerin teröristler karşısında ateş açma kurallarını iyice sınırlama kararı aldı.
Bu tabii Birleşmiş Milletler gibi bilimum zarzavatçıların toplandıkları örgütleri yatıştırmak için. Ama sonuçta tehlikeye atılan Israel'in oğulları ve kızları. Kocaları, babaları ve anneleri.
Bugün maalesef tüm liderlerimizin beynine, yargı organlarının beynine kontrolsüz bir virüs girmiş durumda.
"Am navon ve haham" olmanın yolunun bu olmadığı açıkça ortada.

Apparently the landlord decided to hide under the rug when his house is up on fire.

The Justice System takes over (took over?) The idf.

After all, not just that " a sin 7 Commander נריה ישורון gets no backup of the system, two other senior officers from the fire at the rank of Colonel investigated under a warning for the order to fire artillery during a cliff.

And now, idf changed the rules of engagement bio " that we are keeping the terrorists to the public and the soldiers.

Once was needless to say, but apparently someone or forgotten or misunderstood, so here, let's remind everyone:

The IDF has one job-keep israel.

Even seeing the widest investigation, officers during fights for their pathetic trying to appease the un, וקשירת hands of idf soldiers on the ground, poor in their lives and the lives of the citizens of Israel in a pathetic attempt to appease the U.n. and the rest of the veggies that are not only doing their job. This.

They operate in the opposite direction. They're מדרדרות the security of israel.

Once Again, for all those you may not understand this:

Risk the actual soldiers and civilians and seed דמורליזציה among the soldiers and officers giblets compromises of israel.

I understand that the Court System Is Acting Crazy Mind Set By Syndrome Post-Zionist Decadent, but someone needs to stop it. For What's Chief of staff and security?

They can't get to just hang out here. We must not allow them to the public, to be eliminated.

Please Clear ללשכות Security Minister והרמטכ ותדרשו " for them to change the rules of engagement and improvise the investigations השערורתיות against chiefs.
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