shomer shabat

Perşembe, Ağustos 11, 2016



Defalarca söylediğim gibi insanlığın geleceği için en büyük tehlike radikal İslam değil, en büyük iş birlikçisi radikal Liberalizm.
Gelecek nesilleri toplama kampları veya imha kampları yolu ile değil anne karnında kliniklerde imha eden liberaller.
İnsan hayatı kendi kutsal amaçları için hiç bir değer taşımamakta.
 Caroline Glick'in ön sözü ile tavsiye ettiği makale çok yakında başımıza geçecek olan yılanın şu anki yılandan farklı olmadığını işliyor:

My friend Michael Ledeen has another take on the Amiri execution. And it's even more troubling than mine.
As Michael notes, the Clinton emails that outed Amiri as a US agent were published by the US government. In other words, Obama deliberately took an action that would get Amiri executed.
At the time the story of his defection came out, I remember wondering to myself how long it would take him to regret working for the Americans rather than Israel. Because it was clear even then that Obama and his people (including then secretary of state Hillary Clinton) didn't want to deal with the truth about Iran's nuclear weapons program. They wanted to appease the mullahs. 
Michael's evaluation aligns with the story last summer, I believe it was, of dozens of Centcom intelligence analysts who wrote a collective letter to the Pentagon inspector general I believe it was, complaining that their intelligence assessments were being altered to suit the political interests of the administration.
For more details on Amiri, read Michael Ledeen's analysis below.

Ateist İslamistler ve ateist liberallerin hışmı yakında tamamı ile üzerimize çökecek.
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